Active Transportation 

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What is it?

Active transportation (AT) is a broad term that refers to all forms of human-powered transportation. This includes walking and the use of assistive devices like wheelchairs, cycling, skateboarding, rollerblading, and more. Seasonal activities like skiing and canoeing are also considered active transportation.

Why use it?

Active modes of transportation are viable ways to get to and from where we work, learn, shop, socialize, and spend leisure time in Nova Scotia. These modes also serve as fitness and recreation activities. AT trips offer transportation and recreation at the same time!

Who benefits?

Improvements for active transportation benefit everyone! Even when we drive, we are pedestrians at some point in every trip. The right infrastructure, policies and practices can make active transportation accessible for people of all ages and abilities.

Local businesses often benefit from increased patronage that comes with higher foot-traffic in walkable and bikeable communities. Accessing local services and amenities by active transportation also reduces a community’s carbon footprint, while improving both physical and mental health of residents.

Active transportation is good for health, equity, business, and the environment!